
Keep cool while exercising outdoors


Hot temperatures put stress on the body as it works harder to cool you down (Cleveland Clinic).

A photo of four people stretching outdoors

Keep cool while exercising outdoors

The warmer summer weather is a great motivator for getting some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. If you are exercising in the heat, it's important to keep your body temperature regulated. By following the tips below, you can safely enjoy the benefits of outdoor exercise without succumbing to the summer heat. Remember, your health and safety come first.

5 tips to keep you safe

  1. Stay hydrated: Drink water before, during and after exercising. You should also drink liquids with electrolytes to replenish the salts lost through sweat.
  2. Avoid the midday heat: Try exercising early in the morning or toward the evening when the sun's heat isn't as intense.
  3. Dress for activity: Wear light-colored, loosely fitting clothing to allow sweat to evaporate from your skin to cool you down. 
  4. Modify your workout: Dial down the intensity of your exercise on hot days to avoid heat exhaustion.
  5. Don't do it alone: Having a buddy to exercise with makes your workout more enjoyable and safer. You can look out for each other and ensure neither of you overexerts in the heat.

Source: Mayo Clinic


Graphic that reads "Class of the Week"

Older adults in a class discussing together at a table.

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)

Are you worried about type 2 diabetes? The Diabetes Prevention Program is led by a trained facilitator who uses a curriculum developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The program helps you make lasting changes, such as eating healthier, adding physical activity into your daily routine and lowering stress. The results could make a major difference in your quality of life. 

Join a group of people with similar concerns and share ideas with one another about how to lose weight, live a healthier life and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by half. 

Starts Wednesday, August 7
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Location: Osborn 370 - St. Paul, MN
Class Leaders: Mariah Lewis, Kelsey Joson, Arianne Richards and Nick Ziebell
Provider: In Control, LLC

Juniper and In Control logos.

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